Sunday, March 20, 2011

I admit it.

It takes a lot for me to admit to being sick. I can admit to not feeling well, I can admit to having a cold or a flu or being in serious discomfort, but to actually call myself "sick" means I must be bleeding from the ears or something. So yesterday morning, when Alex woke to find me googling "bleeding from the ears", he decided that it was time, instead, to google a doctor.

And now, I'll admit it: I'm sick. I have an ear infection. A really bad one, according to the doctor, whose response when looking in my ear was, "Whoa!" I'm sick, I admit it. And I want to be a baby about it. I want my mom to make me tea and tuck me under a blanket on the couch and put on stupid tv for me to sleep through all day. Mom, of course, is nowhere near Seattle, but fortunately, Alex is here to baby me. And baby me he does! He's got me on the couch and he's bringing me tea and Theraflu, and the TV is showing college basketball (which isn't quite as stupid as I'd like, but I can't help but think how many people out there are jealous of me being able to watch every second of March Madness). I'm not good at being a patient; I like to be the care-giver, the doer, and so to stay wrapped under blankets on a couch and ask him to go get me a glass of water when he's working, I have a hard time with it. Alex had to scold me numerous times yesterday for being a bad patient; he assured me that he could microwave his own lunch and that there was absolutely no reason for me to be doing dishes. "I want you to tell me when you want to get up and get something, and I'll get it for you," he says. And he means it. And the truth is, I feel bad enough that I'm actually taking him up on it today. I woke up this morning, not having had any medicine in 8 hours, and my first thought was, "Somebody please decapitate me!" It felt like my head might explode at any moment, there was so much pressure. Fortunately, the bleeding from the ears has just about stopped, and I'm on antibiotics and painkillers and decongestants and on the way to being healthy. But for today, I'm sick. And the baby in me welcomes your sympathy.

1 comment:

natalieg said...

Ok, I'm sorry you're so sick, but this post made me really happy that you have Alex. What a sweetheart!!!