Sunday, October 5, 2008

This day in sports

Another NFL Sunday wrapping up. The Browns and Brett Favre both have Bye weeks so no real drama for me to follow. Which means I was able to pay a little more attention to the other teams I like: Eagles, Colts, Packers, Giants. The Browns are my #1 team, followed by whatever team Brett is on, which happens to be the Jets. (I really don't care much about the Jets, and chances are I will stop caring entirely when Brett retires. Which is bound to happen soon--he turns 39 this week!) Alex is a life-long Eagles fan, so I picked that one up from him. The Colts--well, I just like Peyton Manning. Yes, he's an advertising whore, but he's so darned likeable in all of his ads! I became a Packers fan in the mid-90's when Brett was really making a name for himself, but I did a show in Green Bay some years ago and WOW! That is a town that really loves its football! It has to be the biggest football town in the country, it filled me with Packers pride, and I will be a fan for life. Then there's the Giants, and I really can't call myself a fan, but there's Eli Manning, who is almost as likeable as his big brother. And I really liked Michael Strahan while he was playing. And, well, they won the Super Bowl last year, which is the first time I've lived in a city that won a Super Bowl, so I can't help but feel a little warm and gooey as a result. So these are my backup teams. And today, there were mixed results for my secondary line: the Eagles lost to the Redskins; the Colts won, but only because they recovered a couple of 4th quarter fumbles; Green Bay, with their new QB Aaron Rodgers (super cute, he could be my new Brett Favre someday) lost to Atlanta, which I have mixed feelings about. See, Atlanta's QB is the rookie Matt Ryan, who happens to be the boyfriend of my dear friend Anna's sister, Sarah, and his brother is dating Anna's sister, Maggie, and I am a big fan of the Marshall clan, which makes me a fan of Matt Ryan by default. Therefore, I find Green Bay's loss to be acceptable. Oh, and the Giants destroyed Seattle. De-stroyed. And yes, I was a fan of the Seahawks while living up there. In fact, the only NFL games I've been to have been in the new (and fabulous!) Seahawks Stadium. Mike Holmgren, the coach, was with Green Bay in the early Favre days when they went to the Super Bowl twice (and won once), so it was easy for me to be a 'Hawks fan. Until I left. Then I found that I really didn't care. (Though I was rooting for them when they played Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl a few years ago, as Pittsburgh and Cleveland are rivals, which means I must root against the Steelers. Even though I kind of like them. And both my brothers are fans. Traitors.) Anyway, such was this day in sports. And "sports" for me is pretty much football. Though I LOVE seeing live hockey games. And I highly enjoyed the NBA playoffs & finals this year. I would be a huge soccer fan if I lived in a country that appreciated it. Talk about athleticism! And if the World Ping Pong Federation has it's way and gets the female players to wear skimpy outfits, you know I'll be watching.

Hey, if you haven't checked out the Santa Fe blog yet, now's a good time to do it! Bobby G, the curator of said blog, was kind enough to give me a shout-out today:
I can't help but blush a little. Thanks, Bobby, and I'll start getting my MySpace page together!

The weather in Vegas is changing for the better. Today, the high was in the low 80's, which I found to be quite blissful. I wore jeans and long sleeves and didn't lose one drop of sweat! Think it's about time for me to pull my bike out of the storage closet (hear that, New Yorkers? I've got a storage closet!! On my balcony!!) and do some riding. Every city I've lived in, I've gotten to know it by walking it. As I've said many times here, I love walking. But this town does not make me want to hit the streets, not even a little bit. For one thing, there's the incessant honking from the cars driving by. Then there's the long stretches of street with nothing to see but shopping centers. Not my kind of scenery. So I think I'm gonna really get to know Vegas on my bike. I've driven around plenty, but we tend to notice very little when we're doing 50 MPH. Biking gets me out to places I've yet to discover while giving me the time to actually see them. I will admit, I'm a bit nervous about biking in Vegas. I haven't seen many bikes on the road. Except for the guys who fill the Sexpaper boxes, they ride their bikes from corner to corner to corner to corner. And they spend most of their time on the sidewalks. I don't know how much drivers in Vegas like to "share the road" with us bikers. Seattle was incredibly biker-friendly, and that's where I started really riding. LA was incredibly unfriendly for bikers, at least it was in the Hollywood and West Hollywood neighborhoods I was riding in. New York has lots of paths for riders in the parks and along the rivers, but I was too chickenshit to ride on the street there. And Vegas...well, the drivers here are a little scary. Alex got hit by a car in the Palms parking lot last year, and I mean HIT, like he got hit by the front of the car and landed behind it. And the woman driving yelled at him before peeling out of the lot. In Vegas, if you get a moving violation, you can pay someone to go to court for you and pay it off so you don't get any points on your license, which doesn't do much to steer people away from maniacal driving. But I have seen bike paths on some streets. I've seen plenty of "Share the Road" signs. And I'm kind of hankerin' to get out of my non-neighborhood and away from the casinos and see what Vegas has to offer a gal like me. So, a-bikin' I will go!
That's it for this Sunday night. Alex just finished work, so I'm gonna spend a little time loving him. (That sounds kind of dirty, but what I really mean is i'm gonna make us some dinner then watch some cartoons on Fox...then we'll get to the dirty stuff.)

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