Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Spirit of Multi-Partisanship

The temperature is headed back into the 90's today. Me no likey to bikey. But according to the forecast, we're supposed to see a high of only 67 on Saturday...YEEE HAAAAAA!!!

I'd like to send a super-big shoutout to my superfriend Liz. Liz has been working hard to put together my website, which I have made even harder for her by taking forever to get her my stuff. But she kept at it, between rehearsals and jobs and Linklater training, and today, when you visit, you will be greeted by a whole lotta ME!! Lots of pics, my resume, and some other goodies. Thank you ever so, Lizziekins, and here's hoping I've got lots of reasons to bug you with those "Current Projects" updates.

I'm also in the process of creating a MySpace page. Yes, I know most people were rockin' the MySpace 6 years ago and now have left it for the fertile fields of Facebook. Once again, I'm late to the game. However, it seems that MySpace is a main networking tool in the Vegas musician's community, which I'm trying to butt my way into. Thus far, my page is looking kind of sad and lonely, so won't any of you who are still hanging out in MySpace be my friends? Go to, and you'll be greeted by me singing my dirty grocery song from my days performing with Seattle Women in Blues. I'll be putting up a few more vocal tracks and pics and whatnot, once I get it all figured out. Look at this pretty ol' dog learning some pretty new tricks!

Monday's Sante Fe gig was another jaw-dropper. A couple of Alex's friends came along and were equally impressed. You'll always know where to find me on a Monday night in Vegas! I'm like a groupie, without all the grossness that goes along with groupies. Which I guess just makes me a fan. Alex bought 2 of their CD's after the show, and I think I know where I'll be doing my Christmas shopping this year...

Yesterday I had my weekly visit with my favorite mailman, Van. Last week, Van and I had a long discussion about bath salts, as we are both fans of soaking in a hot tub. It's one of the wonderful aspects of Vegas life: every home has a big tub. Okay, maybe not EVERY home, but there was definitely a lot of resort-style building going on in the development of this town, and big soaking tubs are a bit of a norm here. Anyway, I picked up my mail yesterday (still no sign of 6 weeks worth of mail), and Van told me he had something for me, that I should close my eyes and inhale, and as I did, the most lovely, soothing aroma penetrated my scent-ses: Green Tea and Lemongrass Body Soak. Zowee!! If I just kept my eyes closed, I'd probably still be at the postal center dreaming of exotic locales and Utopian existences. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh... But I opened my eyes and came back to reality. In a big way. Van turned me on to a page on the US Geological Survey site where you can check out all of the global earthquake activity over the course of the last week. And there's a lot of activity!! Most of it is pretty minor, but it's fascinating to see a world map with all of these little dots representing earthquakes. California is constantly shifting! And even more than Cali is Alaska!! Check it out:
Click on the map to zoom into a region. It's a whole different look at the world in which we live. Seriously, check out Alaska. Wonder where that pipeline is...

Did you watch the debate last night? I did. Mostly. I got bored. After almost 2 years of presidential campaigning, I'm just tired of listening to these people talk!! The same phrases are being repeated. One guy says something, the other guy says he's lying, which means that no one is telling the truth. Can we have a moratorium on campaigning until November 1, please?? Personally, I thought that McCain won last night, mostly because he didn't piss me off the way he did at the last debate, refusing to acknowledge Obama's presence on the stage. McCain went a whole different way last night, beginning by saying hello to Obama, right there on stage, where everyone could see! And clearly, McCain does well in a town-hall format. He came off as a man-of-the-people, easy to talk to, even kind of nice. (As opposed to the first debate, where I thought he came off like a crotchety ol' lizard-like asshole.) Obama seemed uncomfortable at times, like he really just wanted to get into a private room with McCain and take the gloves off. I thought he had some good moments, but overall I gave the win to McCain. Though a number of talking heads gave it to Obama. Not that it matters. We're at that time of the season when it's all about personal attacks, when Obama pals around with terrorists and McCain is a lover of lobbyists. SHUT UP ALREADY WITH THIS BULLSHIT AND SHOW ME SOME OF THAT "CHANGE" YOU BOTH KEEP TALKING ABOUT!! Seriously, I've got nothing but doom and gloom coming at me from every newspaper and news-channel, the stock market is in chaos, "the American empire is coming to an end" I'm being told by friends and foes alike, I know too many people who have lost or are losing their jobs/homes/savings, things are seriously (pardon my language) FUCKED UP in my country, and you really think I give a crap what McCain may or may not have done in 1987? I had an afro in 1987, but it don't mean I'd do it again! You think it matters to me that a professor who threw a party for Obama a few years ago wanted to blow up the Pentagon in the 60's??? It was the 60's, it was Vietnam, I would've been blowing shit up, too, if I could have stayed sober long enough!!! All of these character attacks only make certain that whoever does win this election is going to be HATED by a shit-ton of Americans. And how does that help us ring in an era of bi-partisanship? The lines between red and blue are being drawn with trip-wire; who the hell is gonna be bold enough to hang out in the middle?? This is why I remain an Independent in the political realm. I became a registered voter in the swing-state of Nevada last weekend, but I refused to attach myself to any political party. Yes, I'll be voting for one of the two major parties (bet you can't guess which one), but I really don't want to be too closely associated. Hell, the Green Party platform bets suits my political leanings, and I am tempted to vote for Cynthia McKinney (yes, there is a woman running for President in this election). I'm just tired of feeling so much division in my country. I've spent a lot of time travelling the US of A, and I've learned that people have very different needs and struggles and priorities, much of it mirroring the needs and struggles and priorities of the region in which they live. And this is a BIG country, with BIG differences from one region to the next. There is no one person who is going to unite us all. But the way the American political process thrives on finger-pointing and name-calling, we are pretty much guaranteed to see more division ahead. As much as Obama took a lot of shit for repeating "I agree with Senator McCain" dozens of times at the first debate, I have to believe that the more these two sides can find things they agree on, the more progress we can make as a country. They've both said as much (though Obama has been saying it for a long time and McCain jumped on it once he realized how well it was working): We may not agree on abortion, but we do agree that we need to have fewer unwanted pregnancies. We may not agree on gay rights, but we do agree that loved ones should have rights (though I can't wait for the day that a major-party candidate will support gay marriage). We may not agree on our economics, but we do agree that thousands of Americans losing their homes is a crisis. Yes, I understand that there are no solutions in these agreements, but the "solutions" being tossed out by these guys are consistently met with the other guy's version of why the "solution" is actually the "problem". ENOUGH!! One of you is gonna win, and if you both truly want what's best for America, you better start treating each other with respect. If Americans don't respect their President, what does that do to the country? (HINT: Take a look at America today.)
Sorry to go all political on y'all, but it was done in a spirit of bipartisanship! Or, multi-partisanship, since we don't all fit into one of 2 boxes, thank you very much.

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