Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lessons learned on Thanksgiving

Every day is a learning experience. Here are some things I have learned today:

1. Sitting in the second row of an IMAX theatre to see "Harry Potter" is almost like being in the movie itself. Alex and I arrived as the lights were dimming, and the only seats available were in the first two rows. Normally, I would never choose to sit so close, especially in an IMAX. However, the latest "Harry Potter" flick worked amazingly well at close range. I actually squealed in delight during an early broomstick-riding scene. (In case you're wondering, I'm a fan of the books, and I've liked the movies well enough, but I thought this one was pretty awesome. Go see it!)

2. The Camaro is not meant to be driven in snow. And I mean ANY snow. I drove this morning to pick up a girlfriend for an African dance class. The roads were completely clear, except for her little side street, which has just the tiniest incline. Well, that snowy incline was much too much for The Sexy Beast (our current title for The Camaro, though we're still not set on a name). I was fishtailing and spinning out at 2 MPH, and eventually we had to abandon it on the side of the road and take Buford the Buick instead (and Buford handled the snow with no problem). Later, I returned to The Sexy Beast, and after numerous attempts was able to back it up the tiny incline (all the while spinning and sliding) and onto cleared pavement. Phew!! The Sexy Beast ain't so beastly in the winter, it seems.

3. An African dance class is a terrific way to clear one's head of all concerns for a little while. This class is a yearly Thanksgiving event, hosted by a volunteering organization. A donation is requested, and each year the donations benefit a different project supporting a different African community. So, the philanthropic aspect of the class is feel-good. The African drumming is feel-good. And the dancing is good and sweaty and requires little skill and only a desire to let go and enjoy it. What a way to start the day!

4. An African dance class in the morning makes apple-cranberry pie an appropriate breakfast. Maybe not, by some standards. My standards say, Fruit is good!

5. Fakesgiving leftovers are just as good on Thanksgiving. Our leftovers will be just about finished today (except for the pie--please come over for pie!!) but I'm so glad to have enough turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and cranberries for today. Makes me feel like I'm not really missing out so much by not being at a big family gathering today--me and Alex and She-ra are well taken care of.

6. She-ra likes turkey. And I mean, she really likes turkey. She's always been rather particular with her food choices and has rarely taken any people-food from us (though she loves canned tuna and fresh salmon). Alex tried giving her a little piece of turkey the other night, assuming she would sniff it and walk away. Quite the opposite! She's been begging for turkey every time either of us opens the fridge! We're supposed to be keeping her on a lower-protein diet, due to her failing kidneys. But hell, she's old. If turkey makes her happy, she's getting turkey, even if it takes a few months off of her life. When I'm old, I'm gonna eat what makes me happy, to hell with what's good for me! I'm gonna eat cheese and drink wine and enjoy every last bit of it. Here's to enjoying life!!

7. Life is meant to be enjoyed. That's not a lesson I learned today. It's a lesson I try to re-learn every day. There are so many responsibilities and worries and difficulties and requirements in life, and it's easy to get swept up with all of it and lose sight of why we bother to do it all---we do it in order to enjoy living! I hope you all go out today and enjoy yourselves, enjoy your people, enjoy your meals, enjoy your music and movies and football games and whatever else you'll be a part of. Far too often, we're just living to work. Today, I hope we all can enjoy the life that our hard work brings to us, makes available to us.

Happy Thanksgiving, happy holidays, happy happy joy joy to every girl and every boy!!

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